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Visit us at 1319 West Lockeford Street, Lodi CA

Saturday Vespers 6:30pm, Sunday Matins 9:30am, Divine Liturgy 10:00am


Introduction to All Saints Orthodox Mission

All Saints Orthodox Mission is a part of the Western Rite Communities of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). The ROCOR Western Rite is an international, non-geographic diocese of monasteries, religious communities, parishes, and missions joined in one heart: to be Orthodox faithful, blessed to retain the Western patrimony in the greater Russian Orthodox Church. We are currently under the omophorion of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of ROCOR.


The Western Rite is a refuge for Western Christians who have the desire to join the Orthodox Church, while also worshiping according to the rites of their Western Orthodox forefathers. When Rome broke from the Holy Orthodox Church, it took the venerable Western liturgies with it. These venerable liturgies produced many saints and fed the souls of countless people. The Reformation, discerning the errors of the Roman Catholic Church, sought to re-establish the faith and practice of the early Church. In doing so, the Reformers tried to reconstruct aspects of the faith and practice of the Early Church as best they understood it. Sadly, they fell short in returning to the fullness of the Orthodox Faith by not reuniting with the Orthodox Church.


The Western Rite seeks to be faithful to our Orthodox Fathers in the West, while repenting of the schism of Rome and the schism of countless denominations and sects in the West. The Western Rite seeks to fulfill the heart of the Reformation to return the Church of the West to the fullness of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that Christ founded and the Holy Spirit continues to lead. 

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Note to Newcomers

As a newcomer, it is possible that you may not know what is going on during our service. That is completely fine. In fact, we have created a worship guide with you in mind, in order to help you track along with what is happening. However, you still may get a bit lost and/or confused about what is going on. Again, this is to be expected and completely normal. Please know that you are free to just stand back (or sit back) and take it all in. 


We simply want to welcome you to come and worship with us however you are able. Take the time to turn your heart to God, and experience the Mystery and beauty of the Liturgy. We encourage you to open all your senses to the presence of God in our midst. The Orthodox Christian Faith is not learned primarily through the head, but rather through an encounter with Christ in your heart.  This encounter is one which grows over time as a person experiences the fullness of Orthodox worship and practice.


If you stick around after the service, there will be an opportunity to talk with the priest and ask any questions you may have, and seek any spiritual guidance you might desire.


Please contact us if you would like to learn about our community


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